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Time Marches On... So Should Your World

Ye olde TL;DR - Have mechanisms for resolving quests and world events without the players. Here are some ideas. One of the things that makes a world feel engaging is the perception that it has its own life beyond the player characters. Or, to think about it the other way, nothing feels more flat than a world that doesn’t go anywhere unless the players actively take it there. Once the players discover they’re the only entities in the world that matter, it shatters the immersion. Sadly, D&D out of the box doesn’t give the referee many pointers on how add dynamism to the game world. To rectify this, I consulted experienced referees and experimented with my own mechanics. Since I doubt I’m the only one who has craved substance to fill this void in the D&D rules, I wanted to share my discoveries. What follows are some of methods I’ve adopted for making the world organically evolve. Quests Actually Do Comp

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